
domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015

Deutsch Küche

Once I get there, I have to try these dishes. I already had the döner kebab and it was delicious! And the Brötchen in Hamburg was also absolutely addicting.

Well, Do you ever had tried a typical german food?

quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2015


So, after I had my match, 2 weeks ago and the excitment had passed I tried to search more a little bit about the city I will move in a few months and found out that they live in a Dorf, which means is a small village with about 800 inhabitants. The village is nearby a small town called Itzehoe  and around 50 km of Hamburg, a big city. Well, 800 inhabitants is pretty much us, the neighbor and his dog. And the feeling of being trapped in a very far away city and alone come like a huge wave of cold water.
Well, Hamburg is like 1 hour from there with car and with the train. But how much it will cost for me to travel for there in the weekends? I know I will be not travelling as much I used when I lived in Italy, but this things matter. 
I spent the day today all reading about au pairs that lived pretty much in big cities or nearby. I had thr need to find someone who lived in a small village to know how life can be and how they overcome this situation. 
But, in the other hand I also have one advantage for living in a small village. Well, the first, I never lived in a small village. Should be a adventure to feel how life is far from the city. Also, I could bet that 98% of the population don't speak english, italian or even hardly, portuguese. So,it would be a full immersion in the german language, culture and life. 
So, right now I am somehow in between the challenge of doing this in a so far away city and jumping off the first light spot I see in this train. 

And you, had to deal with living in a small city or know someone who lived? How did they manage to survive? Tell me!

terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2015


Enfim, depois várias chamadas no Skype, conversas diárias no whatsapp e facebook. A família R. decidiu que não iria mais procurar por uma outra au pair. Eles chegaram com uma pergunta: Ei, voce ainda está conversando com outras famílias? E eu disse que recebi algumas mensagens, mas não tinha respondido ainda e  tal. E eles falaram, que eu era a favorita deles porque gostavam mesmo de mim e as crianças também. E no fim me deram o últimato dizendo que eles queriam mesmo que eu fosse a próxima Au Pair! 

Então, agora tenho uma família! :D

Próximos passos:

1. Estudar alemão intensivamente;
2. Treinar direção;
3. Fazer o contrato e coisa e tal,
4. Me preparar para o visto (inclusive renovar passaporte).
5. Tirar o visto
6. Olhar passagens e decidir datas
7. Me formar (ou seja passar em todas as matérias!)
8. Embarcar e ir!