So, after I had my match, 2 weeks ago and the excitment had passed I tried to search more a little bit about the city I will move in a few months and found out that they live in a Dorf, which means is a small village with about 800 inhabitants. The village is nearby a small town called Itzehoe and around 50 km of Hamburg, a big city. Well, 800 inhabitants is pretty much us, the neighbor and his dog. And the feeling of being trapped in a very far away city and alone come like a huge wave of cold water.
Well, Hamburg is like 1 hour from there with car and with the train. But how much it will cost for me to travel for there in the weekends? I know I will be not travelling as much I used when I lived in Italy, but this things matter.
I spent the day today all reading about au pairs that lived pretty much in big cities or nearby. I had thr need to find someone who lived in a small village to know how life can be and how they overcome this situation.
But, in the other hand I also have one advantage for living in a small village. Well, the first, I never lived in a small village. Should be a adventure to feel how life is far from the city. Also, I could bet that 98% of the population don't speak english, italian or even hardly, portuguese. So,it would be a full immersion in the german language, culture and life.
So, right now I am somehow in between the challenge of doing this in a so far away city and jumping off the first light spot I see in this train.
And you, had to deal with living in a small city or know someone who lived? How did they manage to survive? Tell me!
Então, ainda não sou au pair mas já li bastante sobre essa questão de morar em dorf. Se você puder usar o carro, ótimo, mas se depender de transporte público é bom pesquisar se há pontos de ônibus ou estação de trem por perto e com que frequência eles passam. Acho que tudo tem seu lado bom, morar em dorf tem suas vantagens, como você mesma disse, a maior imersão no idioma alemão e vivenciar uma experiência nova.
ResponderExcluirSe sua host family for muito boa, acho que vale a pena. Até porque não vale a pena morar em cidade grande e ter uma host family maluca.
Boa sorte
Pois é, não consegui achar nenhuma outra família em cidade grande. As que achei tinham alem de mil outras aplicantes, tinha tipo 4 ou 5 filhos, 2 cachorros e mais não sei o que. Pensei, e se deixar essa família e cair numa família horrivel que me faça sofrer? Nem adianta sair para passear na bela cidade se o clima na casa não é bom. Mas já consegui achar outras Au pairs em regioes ao redor e a minha familia disse que além do carro disponivel, quando fosse viajar eles iam me levar e buscar na estação de trem.